


求助 版主:官方研发技术组
类型:迅睿CMS 更新时间:2020-10-23 11:37:24 数据库

昨天那个问题报错了{xunruicms_img_title}想通过api获取另外一个数据库指定分类的数据  还的翻页

  • 官方研发实习技术
    #1楼    官方研发实习技术
    2020-10-23 11:24:42
    Chrome 0
  • z1738736766
    #2楼    z1738736766
    2020-10-23 11:25:57
    Chrome 0

    mysqli_sql_exception #1054

    Unknown column 'id' in 'order clause' 搜索问题 →

    SELECT * FROM `mac_vod` ORDER BY `id` desc LIMIT 10SYSTEMPATH/Database/MySQLi/Connection.php at line 331

    324             if ($res = $this->connID->store_result())325             {326                 $res->free();327             }328         }329         try330         {331             return $this->connID->query($this->prepQuery($sql));332         }333         catch (\mysqli_sql_exception $e)334         {335             log_message('error', $e);336             if ($this->DBDebug)337             {338                 throw $e;
    1. SYSTEMPATH/Database/MySQLi/Connection.php : 331 — mysqli->query ( arguments )
      324             if ($res = $this->connID->store_result())325             {326                 $res->free();327             }328         }329         try330         {331             return $this->connID->query($this->prepQuery($sql));332         }333         catch (\mysqli_sql_exception $e)334         {335             log_message('error', $e);336             if ($this->DBDebug)337             {338                 throw $e;
    2. SYSTEMPATH/Database/BaseConnection.php : 741 — CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection->execute ( arguments )
      734     public function simpleQuery(string $sql)735     {736         if (empty($this->connID))737         {738             $this->initialize();739         }740 741         return $this->execute($sql);742     }743 744     //--------------------------------------------------------------------745 746     /**747      * Disable Transactions748      *
    3. SYSTEMPATH/Database/BaseConnection.php : 669 — CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->simpleQuery ( arguments )
      662         $startTime = microtime(true);663 664         // Always save the last query so we can use665         // the getLastQuery() method.666         $this->lastQuery = $query;667 668         // Run the query for real669         if (! $this->pretend && false === ($this->resultID = $this->simpleQuery($query->getQuery())))670         {671             $query->setDuration($startTime, $startTime);672 673             // This will trigger a rollback if transactions are being used674             if ($this->transDepth !== 0)675             {676                 $this->transStatus = false;
    4. SYSTEMPATH/Database/BaseBuilder.php : 1860 — CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->query ( arguments )
      1853         if (! is_null($limit))1854         {1855             $this->limit($limit, $offset);1856         }1857 1858         $result = $this->testMode1859             ? $this->getCompiledSelect($reset)1860             : $this->db->query($this->compileSelect(), $this->binds, false);1861 1862         if ($reset === true)1863         {1864             $this->resetSelect();1865 1866             // Clear our binds so we don't eat up memory1867             $this->binds = [];
    5. FCPATH/Fcms/Core/Model.php : 787 — CodeIgniter\Database\BaseBuilder->get ()
      780             }781         }782 783         $param = $this->_limit_page_where($select, $param);784         if ($size > 0) {785             $select->limit($size, $size * ($page - 1));786         }787         $query = $select->orderBy($order_str ? $order_str : 'id desc')->get();788         if (!$query) {789             log_message('error', '数据查询失败:'.$this->table);790             $this->_clear();791             return [[], $total, $param];792         }793         $data = $query->getResultArray();794
    6. APPPATH/Api/diy.php : 20 — Phpcmf\Model->limit_page ( arguments )
      13 $return = []; // 返回数据14 15 $db2 = \Config\Database::connect('mac', false);16 17 // 通过db2查询 cms2的member表数据18 19 \Phpcmf\Service::M()->db = $db2;20 list($data) = \Phpcmf\Service::M()->table('vod')->limit_page(10);21 22 if ($data) {23 24     foreach ($data as $r) {25 26         $return[] = [27
    7. require APPPATH/Models/Http.php — require()
    8. APPPATH/Controllers/Admin/Http.php : 93 — Phpcmf\Model\Httpapi\Http->get_api_data ( arguments )
       86             exit(dr_lang('接口数据不存在')); 87         } 88         $content = dr_string2array($data['content']); 89         if (!$content) { 90             exit(dr_lang('接口数据定义内容不存在')); 91         } 92  93         $rt = \Phpcmf\Service::M('http', APP_DIR)->get_api_data($content); 94         echo SITE_URL.'index.php?s=httpapi&id='.$id.'&appid=需要填写值&appsecret=需要填写值'; 95         echo '<hr>'; 96         echo '<pre>'; 97         print_r($rt); 98         exit; 99     }100
    9. SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php : 918 — Phpcmf\Controllers\Admin\Http->test_index ()
      911 912         if (method_exists($class, '_remap'))913         {914             $output = $class->_remap($this->method, ...$params);915         }916         else917         {918             $output = $class->{$this->method}(...$params);919         }920 921         $this->benchmark->stop('controller');922 923         return $output;924     }925
    10. SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php : 404 — CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->runController ( arguments )
      397         if (! is_callable($this->controller))398         {399             $controller = $this->createController();400 401             // Is there a "post_controller_constructor" event?402             Events::trigger('post_controller_constructor');403 404             $returned = $this->runController($controller);405         }406         else407         {408             $this->benchmark->stop('controller_constructor');409             $this->benchmark->stop('controller');410         }411
    11. SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php : 312 — CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest ( arguments )
      305 306             $this->response->pretend($this->useSafeOutput)->send();307             $this->callExit(EXIT_SUCCESS);308         }309 310         try311         {312             return $this->handleRequest($routes, $cacheConfig, $returnResponse);313         }314         catch (RedirectException $e)315         {316             $logger = Services::logger();317             $logger->info('REDIRECTED ROUTE at ' . $e->getMessage());318 319             // If the route is a 'redirect' route, it throws
    12. FCPATH/Fcms/Init.php : 378 — CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run ()
      371  * the application run, and does all of the dirty work to get372  * the pieces all working together.373  */374 375 376 $app = new \Phpcmf\Extend\CodeIgniter(config(\Config\App::class));377 $app->initialize();378 $app->run();
    13. require /www/wwwroot//index.php — require()
    14. require /www/wwwroot//admin.php — require()
    Displayed at 11:19:17am — PHP: 7.3.5 — CodeIgniter: 4.0.4
  • z1738736766
    #3楼    z1738736766
    2020-10-23 11:26:44
    Chrome 0


     * api 示例文件
     * 变量介绍javascript:;
     * $return 表示标准返回变量
    $return = []; // 返回数据
    $db2 = \Config\Database::connect('mac', false);
    // 通过db2查询 cms2的member表数据
    \Phpcmf\Service::M()->db = $db2;
    list($data) = \Phpcmf\Service::M()->table('vod')->limit_page(10);
    if ($data) {
        foreach ($data as $r) {
            $return[] = [
                'id' => $r['vod_id'],
                'username' => $r['vod_name'],
  • 官方研发实习技术
    #4楼    官方研发实习技术
    2020-10-23 11:27:01
    Chrome 0

  • z1738736766
    #5楼    z1738736766
    2020-10-23 11:27:48
    小米手机 0
  • 官方研发实习技术
    #6楼    官方研发实习技术
    2020-10-23 11:29:17
    Chrome 0
     * api 示例文件
     * 变量介绍javascript:;
     * $return 表示标准返回变量
    $return = []; // 返回数据
    $db2 = \Config\Database::connect('mac', false);
    // 通过db2查询 cms2的member表数据
    \Phpcmf\Service::M()->db = $db2;
    $init = [
        'table' => 'vod',
        'order_by' => 'vod_id DESC',
    list($data) = \Phpcmf\Service::M()->init($init)->limit_page(10);
    if ($data) {
        foreach ($data as $r) {
            $return[] = [
                'id' => $r['vod_id'],
                'username' => $r['vod_name'],
  • z1738736766
    #7楼    z1738736766
    2020-10-23 11:30:30
    小米手机 0
  • 官方研发实习技术
    #8楼    官方研发实习技术
    2020-10-23 11:32:03
    Chrome 0
    https://www.xunruicms.com/codeigniter/ 文档这种一般我们都帮助用户来写,节省大家找文档的时间z1738736766
  • z1738736766
    #9楼    z1738736766
    2020-10-23 11:34:01
    Chrome 0
    官方研发实习技术 问题比较多 不想老麻烦你 嘿嘿 自己先看看文档学学
  • 杨再科
    #10楼    杨再科
    2020-10-23 11:34:03
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  • z1738736766
    #11楼    z1738736766
    2020-10-23 11:36:59
    小米手机 0
  • z1738736766
    #12楼    z1738736766
    2020-10-23 11:37:24
    小米手机 0
    @官方研发实习技术:没毛病 完美